Act For The Planet was created to bring today’s ecological problems to the limelight. The problem of pollution has reached an alarming rate that it is costing different nations of the world the death of their vibrant population.
About Us

Recent research has also associated pollution to some terminal illnesses including cognitive decline and dementia. Food wastage is not only a threat to food security, leaving these waste food to decompose leads to the accumulation of methane which is a greenhouse gas that absorbs the heat of the sun making the atmosphere hotter. By not taking adequate measures to combat air pollution every facet of human existence will be affected.

Our Belief
Pollution has reached an alarming rate and is often visibly seen as smog in urban cities. A report from the European Union states that at least 400,000 premature deaths occur annually from air pollution. While at least 800 million people around the world go to sleep with hunger, about 2.1 billion tons of foods go to waste annually.
As change agents, we hold ourselves accountable for taking measures to limit pollution. This also means creating awareness through this platform knowing that many act out of ignorance. By highlighting the different negative effects of pollution we hope people will become enlightened enough to rethink some of their habits that are increasing the level of pollutants in the environment.
We believe that the fight against pollution should not be left to the government or a group of scientists alone. Each of us is responsible towards the goal of making the earth a safer place for us all. By reducing the level of pollution we will ultimately be improving the quality of our lives.
Our Heritage
Our ecosystem plays a major role in shaping our lives and we have to do all it takes to preserve it from the harmful effect of pollution. We believe that by projecting pollution mitigation plans laid down by on country in one part of the globe, it can inspire another country in another part of the globe to take more actions towards the reduction of pollution in all its forms.
We are calling on all consumers, manufacturers, policymakers, and national leaders to adopt conservative ethics geared towards reduction of air pollution. It is time we need to rethink those practices and traditions that promote pollution and forge a new legacy which we would pass on to the next generation.

Our Mission
At Act For The Planet, our mission is to create the necessary awareness on the dangers of air pollution as well as promote innovative steps, particularly those that exploit technological advancements, around the world geared towards curtailing air pollution.
We accept the task of keeping educating the world as well as keeping this website updated on the current policies around the world and collaborations between different countries to tackle pollution.
Our Vision
Act For The Planet looks forward to a world where every individual will understand the negative effects of pollution and embrace policies and practices that will reduce pollution.